Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidency: Black or White?, by Layla Jillood, Psy.D.

Presidency: Black or White?
Every election is interesting in its own way, but I have found Election 2012 to be of particular interest. In 2008, America rejoiced (well, most of America rejoiced) when Barak Obama was elected president of the United States, as he was the first African-American President to take the White House in American history. People felt that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of a man being judged by his character rather than by the color of his skin came to fruition 45 years after his historic speech. As a culture, we seem to have broken through many cultural barriers and elected a man who we thought could do a good job based on his character. However, throughout our current election, I have asked myself, what role has race played in this election? Will it be a deciding factor?

In the last election, Barak Obama won the hearts of Americans who were tired of the old way of doing things. America was upset with the previous administration and was desperate for change. Obama was elected not only by people of color, but also by people who were desperate to see change in any form. The impact of race may have been overshadowed by the need to move away from an administration that drove America into two wars and an economic crisis. Now that the dust has settled from the Bush administration, is race playing a factor in this election?
I have watched the debates, heard each candidates’ arguments and tried to weigh each argument fairly. However, when watching the debates I could not help but notice what I saw: Black and White. Obama and Romney. Mitt Romney, to me, represents the epitome of our traditional view of a powerful White man: Wealthy, Elitist and Christian. Obama represents change and unfamiliarity. When Americans cast their votes, I wonder what role race will play in the electoral vote. I wonder, now that the desperation for change has passed, will prejudices return to the forefront? Will people see Black and White on Tuesday?
I truly hope not.

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